Freedom Center Gets Anonymous $5,000 Donation!Submitted by will on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 15:22
Freedom Center got a pleasant surprise in our PO Box: a check for $5,000, donated anonymously! Our thanks to the individual or individual who made this contribution. Because we work on a volunteer basis and keep our budget very lean, the money will directly pay for program expenses and help keep us going -- including projects such as a second yoga teacher, a coming off drugs guide, audio cds of recovery alternative interviews, and transportation expenses to do public speaking in the area. Sometimes we feel a lot of pressure to get a more solid revenue coming in for Freedom Center, which might mean "toning down" our message or dropping some of our work. We don't think there's any place for compromise on the truth, however, and six years and going strong has proven that it's staying with your values, not figuring out ways to cash in, that makes a difference in the end. ( categories: )