Will is Traveling

Submitted by oryx on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 20:57

Will is Traveling


Who is going to overthrow ServiceNet now?


Who is going to tell us we can do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING

Just a little bit better?


Who will truly understand what it is we are going through

And what we are up against?


Who is going to give us auricular acupuncture?

Who will take us skinny dipping in a Strictly “no-swimming” reservoir?

Who will transform WindHorse?

Who will revive our support group?

Who will finally bring in the big money?

Who will facilitate?

Who will articulate?


Who will see the future with

Crystal clear vision?


Who will go jogging with me in

Cities and countrysides?


Who will I talk to about dreams,

Meaning, pain, spirituality?


Who will make us laugh until

All we see is joy in friends’ eyes?


Will, Will, Will, Will, Will.

Will you still?


One thing is for sure.

You WILL most definitely, certainly, without a doubt

Continue to hound us about the Freedom Center website.



Well, guess what? This is already on there.


Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy trails my friend!


P.S. You know that if you ever want to come back,

You always have a home here.


Hint. Hint.


I appreciate how you hold the space for silence and meditation during the Monday clinic.I feel supported in the intent of this work to help people come home to themselves.

Hey Will,
I have to agree with Oryx that you're a bastard for leaving. Or maybe
bastard isn't the right word... how about betraying, abandoning,son of

Well, maybe you'll be back. If so, here's the list of demands...

Just kidding. But really, come back if you want to. You'll be welcome in
our participatory democratic, anti-capitalist, truth-telling,
internationally-minded, media-infiltrating, feminist, high-spirited,
rageful, revolutionary group called The Freedom Center. Hopefully you'll
be able to keep up with us.

Ok, on to the sappy stuff. Thanks for co-founding the Freedom Center. It
has been a beautiful forum for so many voices and creative manifestations
of empowering action. I personally have learned a shitload from the model
and from the people of the Freedom Center. I've learned from it's
resources, from the weekly programs, and from all the survivors who work
within it. I've learned about myself, I've learned about other people,
I've learned about the man and what we're up against. I've learned new
tactics to approaching political action and I've had a new forum in which
to express truths I see. And....of course, I've made life-long friends and
comrades, which is perhaps the best gift the Freedom Center has given me.
If we quietly go backwards and follow the chain of events, I suppose it's
safe to say that most of this could not have happened without you. So,

As a friend, I'm obviously going to miss you. Oryx is a bastard too, for
making me put this up on the website-- but I'll miss our conversations,
our swims and hikes, our shared love of hippyish food, and our deeper
attempts to grow together and nourish each other. I know they will
continue, from a distance, and that our paths will cross a million more
times, but I'm still going to miss knowing you are close by.

But hey...shake up the bay area, enjoy the weather, play in the redwoods,
grow and flourish with your friends, snuggle with your sweetie(s), ride
your bike year-long, go to packed events at the infoshop, burn up in the
community hot-tub and do the shit that we on the east coast might just
want to be doing...

But, on your journey to the West Coast you don't start doing some
kick-ass radical activism and bring some of your skills out there we'll
truly kick your ass and make you get on the next flight back. Got it?

Good luck with your Taoist school, I look forward to being in a Taoist
school at the same time as you. We'll yin and yang our way into a shared,
but perhaps long-distant future together as friends and comrades.

Good luck and I love you,



Pill, drill and kill
nevermind the hugest hill
nevermind the plants and whatever has spilled

What's the point? they ask and ask...
Trust me on this one
it's terror below our forces joined.
Terror is lower than creamsickles and ants

Will is like our growing plants.
Soil packed, we stumble on like packrats,
like shapes jutting out of tangrams.
Will takes the 2 dimensional images
and turns them into igloos
to protect us from those cold, staring eyes.
Inside we know that our love is larger than their

Will, you will be with us
and we will be clear, even when you are not here,
for you have led us not to fear.



Hey Will

Though sometimes your'e a pill, I'll miss you still,
even though you and I have oft wound up in a pickle, I half-sour, you very dill.
This is the worst poem ever written, but regardless, your shoes will be hard to fill,
though as a Freedom Center founder, you've helped many learn the drill,
while putting almost everyone through anarchistic organizing torture, not to mention through the Freedom Center mill.
Whoever puts this ridiculous poem on the web-site, I may have to kill,
but alas, as I've ended so many emails to you and now this crappy poem sans frill,
all best, Will!

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