psych abuseRemembering John Brodie, 1970-2006Submitted by admin on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 12:01
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Major UK Study Shows No Evidence For Forced DruggingSubmitted by admin on Sat, 12/06/2008 - 09:48
A major new study in latest Journal of Advanced Nursing says there is no clincal evidence in research that forced drugging helps people. Instead, the practice is "taken for granted." According to the BBC, "Very few rigorous investigations of the use of coerced medication have been done despite it being widespread, the Journal of Advanced Nursing reported. The dearth of evidence is "unacceptable" and more should be done to find alternatives, the team said" ( categories: )
VJP Swan Speakout - "Denizen of The Back Ward"Submitted by admin on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 22:32
Read the entire memoir here: www.freedom-center.org/pdf/Denizen-of-the-Back-Ward.doc
A little about me:
Married, two grown sons. Relocated from Pasadena, California to Conyers, Georgia in 2007
Contact me at: verlapacheco(at)yahoo(dot)com
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Freedom Center and USNUSP collaborate on "Human Rights for ALL" TourSubmitted by admin on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 17:13
I'm Leah Harris, co-coordinator of the U.S. Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (USNUSP), a newly-formed network seeking to use the language, framework, and principles of international human rights to end violations against users and survivors of psychiatry and to promote voluntary and compassionate alternatives to the traditional mental health system. ( categories: )
The Shocking Facts - Why Opponents Call for A Ban on ECTSubmitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 16:56
by Marian B. Goldstein Leonard Roy Frank is a survivor and activist. One of the most prominent personalities in the movement against ECT. He has been exposed to ECT-treatment himself, he has written a book on the history of electroshock and witnessed at hearings. ( categories: )
Bed-Push A Great Success!Submitted by lee on Sun, 07/29/2007 - 23:36
The bed-push was an amazing feat -- unbelievable -- we lost a wheel about half way there... and then another... and then another.. until we were down to ONE WHEEL! So people CARRIED the bed, in the grueling heat, all the way to downtown. INCREDIBLE!!! ( categories: )
Sunday July 29th Escape from Psychiatry Protest!Submitted by admin on Sun, 07/29/2007 - 18:07
For Immediate Release: Escape From Psychiatry: A Protest and Bed Push Against Abuse in the Mental
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Emergency Room Abuse Testimony for LegislationSubmitted by admin on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 19:13
from Cathy Levin of MPOWER:
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Anonymous 3 SpeakoutSubmitted by admin on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 06:16
i spent many hours sitting beside myself in that tiny blue room. i spent too much time staring at myself, at the girl in the * full body straight jacket lying on the floor. *safety coat was the euphamism used to describe this particular piece of equipment. i don’t know who was supposed to feel safe… maybe staff, certainly not anyone actually bound into it. she looked like a piece of luggage lying there. dropped. forgotten. waiting to be claimed. ( categories: )
Chicopee Man Challenges AbuseSubmitted by admin on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 18:34
A Chicopee man writes about his psychiatric abuse experiences at Bay State Medical Center; if you are able to help his legal campaign, please contact him via his lawyer. ( categories: )
FC On Local Bus AdvertisementsSubmitted by admin on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 23:35
Freedom Center is part of the Access to Equality Coalition with Stavros Center for Independent Living, Safe Passage, and Everywoman's Center, working to educate the public around abuse of people with disabilities. The coalition recently produced a series of bus advertisements running on Pioneer Valley Transit buses: ( categories: )