
Gazette Covers Panhandling Campaign

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 13:30

The Hampshire Daily Gazette just did a 10-17-08 story on the proposed panhandling law in Northampton that Freedom Center opposes, and quotes Caty Simon from Freedom Center speaking at a recent protest and City Council meeting:

"It's clear that this legislation does, de facto, criminalize panhandling, if not in the letter of the law, then in the spirit," said Catherine Simon, reading from a prepared statement at a recent council meeting....

Simon, meanwhile, said the homeless and the poor are already the victims of economic violence.

SHARC Position Paper on Mandated Treatment and Harm Reduction

Submitted by admin on Wed, 10/29/2008 - 21:27

A statement written for the Statwide Harm Reduction Coalition on why mandated treatment is not consistent with Harm Reduction philosophy, developed by Caty Simon and Will Hall.

Emergency Room Abuse Testimony for Legislation

Submitted by admin on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 19:13

from Cathy Levin of MPOWER:


Electronic Frontier Foundation Takes Zyprexa Case

Submitted by admin on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 18:16


EFF Defends Right to Link from Internet Wiki

Legal Battle Over Controversial Prescription Drug Zyprexa

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today defended the First Amendment rights of a citizen-journalist to link from a public "wiki" to electronic copies of damaging internal Eli Lilly documents relating to the controversial prescription drug Zyprexa.

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Eli-Lilly Slaps Will Hall, Others w/Injunction Over Leaked Drug Memos

Submitted by admin on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 18:18

Posted on Dec 30, 06

Will Hall just received a court order signed by US District Court Judge Hon Brian M. Corgan regarding the Eli-Lilly documents Alaska Attorney Jim Gottstein leaked to the New York Times. The order, dated Dec. 29th, says that the "following individuals who have received documents... are hereby enjoined from further disseminating these documents... injunction requires removal of any such documents posted at any website, and communication of this Order to anyone to whom these documents have already been disseminated..."

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NARPA: Legal Challenges To Psychiatry

Submitted by admin on Fri, 11/24/2006 - 18:35


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Freedom Center audio: Will Hall How Lawyers Can Be Allies 11-06 NARPA National Conference

2006 National Association of Rights Protection and Advocates conference presentation by Will Hall.

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Aby Adams Joins Disability Law Advisors

Submitted by admin on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 19:19


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Freedom Center audio: 2006-11: Abigail Adams Peer Legal Advocacy NARPA 11-06


Freedom Center legal director Aby Adams presentation on mental health law and peer advocacy at the 2006 conference of the National Association of Rights Protection and Advocacy.Freedom Center legal director Aby Adams presentation on mental health law and peer advocacy at the 2006 conference of the National Association of Rights Protection and Advocacy.

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Freedom Center Wins Legal Presentation Award

Submitted by admin on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 23:29


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